Professional Liability
START MY QUOTEAs a business owner and professional, it is critical that your reputation in your community remains intact and your interests, finances, and operations are protected.
Capital Insurance Services has been protecting the interests of business owners and physicians in the mid-Michigan area since 1980. Our team of knowledgeable insurance agents can craft a comprehensive professional liability insurance product personalized to meet your professional needs.
Whether you operate in the field of medicine, law, architecture, engineering, management, or accounting, the Capital Insurance Services Commercial Lines Team can assist you in obtaining the proper insurance to protect your interests should the need ever arise. Each profession faces different potential professional liabilities. Our agency has the experience and expertise to ensure your professional liability insurance protection meets the requirements of a professional operating in your specific field
Even when you are servicing your clients in a diligent and competent manner, the specter of frivolous law suits still exists. In our increasingly litigious society, it is imperative that professionals protect themselves from the hazards of a professional liability claim.
Having comprehensive professional liability insurance protection in place can assist in protecting your interests, should your services result in a financial, or material loss, physical, or mental harm to your client or patient. In most situations, professional liability insurance will cover your legal and court costs (subject to policy limits, retention levels, and deductibles), even if the legal action you face is unwarranted.